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Posted by Laura Tubo ( on 21:16:24 22/07/04
Well-here it is. I am still here....I stayed with Joey last night until this afternoon. Jeff is on tonight. Joey's fever broke in the early hours of the morning. He is regaining some of his appetite and gift of gab. Daddy rented a few new video games, so that should fill the evening. One of his blood cultures did come back positive for bacteria (infection). He is receiving antibiotics for that. They also treated his catheter with TPA to allow it to flush easier. They suspect some bacteria may have grown there due to a partial clotting of the one side. That is the most generic way I can explain it. Anyway, the meds should do most of the trick. The rest will come with time as his white count improves. Meanwhile, my mom and sister are in Chicago for me getting the scoop. I took a jacuzzi bath at home and imagined I was there too! (Quite a treat--only my third one since we moved here). Gina and I are taking in the baseball game on TV tonight. She'll be asleep in a few minutes by the looks of her on the coush, and then, I'll sink into the chick flick I rented for a release until my hospital shift tomorrow. I don't see Joey getting out before Sunday--if not later. Love to all.
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