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Posted by Laura Tubo ( on 21:59:48 07/04/04
Well-just me recaping the events of the past 3 days. We checked out of the hospital on Monday afternoon from our unexpected fever stay only to report the next 2 days for the repeat scans we mentioned. Tuesday went well but was a long day. We had to be at the hospital early to have Joey drink contrast and have the dye injected. Then, we had to wait for a few hours while it made its way through his body. He had a CT scan and initial pictures for an MIBG scan-both were relatively quick once the dye filtered through.
Today, we returned for what was to be a sedated series of images to complete the MIBG. While he was sedated, he was also supposed to have his hips tapped for a marrow sample. The drug they used was a step up from the last one, because he had a problem with waking up half way through the process. Well, my boy is STRONG. And, this sedation didn't take either. So, he woke up and with the help of his radiology buddy, Shawn, he completed the scans, holding perfectly still without sedation. Part of me was happy to hear this because it confirms that WE HAVE A FIGHTER!!! The rest of me was a little disappointed, because we will be returning to the hospital tomorrow for a bone marrow sample under general anesthesia. It should begin around 1:45. And, it shouldn't be a lengthly procedure. The bad news is that he will not be allowed any food until then and only clear liquids until 10:30. This is the second day in a row for no breakfast. We tried to give him a late snack hoping it will stick with him. Thanks to all our Power Prayer People. We love you all and continue to feel your support. We will report on the scan findings when we know--We are told we will not find out until Monday. Til then.....
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