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Posted by Jeff Tubo ( on 15:06:39 16/10/04
Joey is feeling great. Joey's cutures came back positive again today. They will be removing his line (http://pediatric.um-surgery.org/new_070198/new/Library/Broviac%20Catheters.htm) this evening around 6:30. The infection is located ON HIS LINES and the physicians feel that if the line was removed, the infection will be gone with 2 days of continued antibiotics. The line is due to come out very soon anyway. Joey is a little scared, but he is anxious to get his line out. They will take Joey to the Operating Room and he will be put asleep (5-10 minutes) to extract the line. He might have a little general discomfort around the site after the line comes out. The docs will be putting in a temperoray IV while Joey is under general anesthesia (this will prevent the worry of adding a line when he is awake). This IV will be used the next couple of days for medications and blood products. He will most likely get (next week) a Mediport catheter that is like a regular IV, but is a surgically implanted subcutaneous (under the skin) infusion devices actuallly placed under the skin. This is used so that the medical staff has access to give meds and blood products, and Joey won't need to be "stuck" mutiple times. DON'T FORGET THAT REMOVING THIS LINE MEANS JOEY CAN TAKE A BATH AND SWIM ONCE AGAIN!! Everything should be fine tonight and I will give you a status later tonight. Love to all -JEFF
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