Posted by
Laura Tubo
December 24, 2005
I'm a little out of practice on this BLOG thing, and I truly apologize. I have been so consumed by life, that I haven't had a moment to reflect on it. I continue to give thanks each day that I am surrounded by my family. This week, in particular, we are thankful for yet another miracle in our lives. My dad of 27 years, known to Joey as Grandpa Bob, made it through open heart surgery this past Monday. He is a determined man whose strength is found in God and family. He will be home for Christmas. And, for the second year in a row, we will celebrate, outside of a hospital, the true meaning of the season. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday. Sometimes, it takes a child to teach us that meaning. We had another (minor) disaster this past Monday when our Christmas Tree crashed to the ground.
I told Joey that we should decorate it again so Santa would want to leave us presents. Joey said, "Mommy, that's ok, I know what Christmas is all about.
Christmas is NOT about what's under your tree--Christmas is about what's in your heart!" That being the case, I have already received all that I need this Christmas. We continue to find joy in the simple things. Tonight we baked cookies for Santa. Then, we watched every child's favorite Christmas movie, "The Spy Who Loved Me." It could not be a more perfect season for me. I wish all of you the most joyous of holidays. Your love, prayers and support have shown me Christmas in each day. Blessings to each of you.
Love, Laura
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