Posted by Laura Tubo August 26, 2005
One year ago today was regarded by
the medical professionals as "Day Plus One". It was the day after he
received his stem cell transplant. And, it seems so surreal to me that even
though we are Day Plus 365, "Day Plus One" is how I feel today. We visited
the clinic yesterday for a check of the blood counts. Joey's counts
are great. His urine is normal as well. One test of the urine is
sent out, and will not be read for 10 days. But, all else looks good. During
our visit, our doctor asked me how we were all doing.
I reiterated that we are optimistic
that the findings are inconclusive at this time. I told her that we are
holding on to the fact that the radiologists have a dissenting opinion
regarding the MIBG and that all agree that the CT scan is normal. She
confirmed that, and felt Joey looked really well on exam. HOPE, HOPE, HOPE
was the theme for the day. We are on the first day, each day. EVERY day is
"Day Plus One". While we were waiting on the labs, Joey and I were playing
video games. It was my turn to attempt to beat the level, and I looked over
to find Joey just looking up, deep in thought. I said, "Hey Buddy, do you
want a turn?" He said, "No Mom, I'm just sitting here thinking about all of
the things that I had to go through." It struck me that he could reflect on
yesterday, but still maintain his "Day Plus One" attitude. Once again, he
will teach us all how to deal with life's uncertainty. Day-by-day seems so
much easier with him by my side.
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